This has been a great year to view the wildlife in Pisgah National Forest surrounding the Inn on Mill Creek Bed & Breakfast. The North Carolina mountains have an abundance of wildlife, including several species of birds, as well as deer, raccoons, fox, black bears, and more. We and our guests have been fortunate to capture some great wildlife photos this year.

First deer spotted at the Inn on Mill Creek B&B in *8* years!
Enjoy the following photos taken just last month. Photos by us unless indicated otherwise (all others taken by our guests).
 Butterfly on one of the coneflowers at the Inn on Mill Creek
 Kingfisher getting a snack
 Someone’s happy to see our apples are now ripe [photo: Mikkel Riemann]  Ebony Jewelwing Damselfly [photo: Bill Campbell]  One of many stars of the bullfrog orchestra at the Inn [photo: Mikkel Riemann]  Cedar Waxwing in Old Fort, NC [photo: Mikkel Riemann]  Thanks for the birdseed, humans! [photo: Bob Bryer]  Gray Petaltail Dragonfly [photo: Bill Campbell] |