Category Archives: Wildlife
12 Months of Birding – Prairie Warbler
12 Months of Birding: Golden-Crowned Kinglet

Our 12 Months of Birding series continues with a bird we often see in February, the Golden-crowned Kinglet. This royally named tiny bird spends winters in our Pisgah National Forest neighborhood and the rest of the year in the northern U.S. and Canada. More often heard than seen, the Golden-crowned Kinglet can be challenging to find; generally we see and hear them in the evergreens and shrubby areas on the edges of the wetlands, which is at the southern end of the property where the boardwalk is located.
Winter Birding and the Great Backyard Bird Count
North Carolina Mountain Birds: Brown Thrasher
North Carolina Mountain Birds: Broad-winged Hawk
North Carolina Mountain Birds: Northern Mockingbird
North Carolina Mountain Birds: Red-Winged Blackbird
North Carolina Mountain Birds: Black-throated Green Warbler

Ahhhh, September. The air turns crisper and temperatures start cooling down, but remain perfectly pleasant. It’s a great month to get outside in the mountains of North Carolina! And it’s excellent for bird watching because the changing seasons mean different and interesting birds are migrating through, on their way to their winter destinations.
Wildlife Seen at the Inn This Year

This has been a great year to view the wildlife in Pisgah National Forest surrounding the Inn on Mill Creek Bed & Breakfast. The North Carolina mountains have an abundance of wildlife, including several species of birds, as well as deer, raccoons, fox, black bears, and more. We and our guests have been fortunate to capture some great wildlife photos this year.