Monthly Archives: August 2015
2015 North Carolina Mountains Fall Color Preview
North Carolina Mountain Birds: Black-and-White Warbler
Art at the Inn: Black Mountain Art in the Afternoon Program

In February, we were at one of Black Mountain’s restaurants — a longtime local favorite called My Father’s Pizza & Pasta. While devouring our lasagna, spinach ravioli and tasty artichoke salad, we started talking about how when we arrived in 2007, we noticed how much art by local artists was displayed at restaurants and how awesome it was to be in an area that’s so supportive of its artists.
Wildlife Seen at the Inn This Year

This has been a great year to view the wildlife in Pisgah National Forest surrounding the Inn on Mill Creek Bed & Breakfast. The North Carolina mountains have an abundance of wildlife, including several species of birds, as well as deer, raccoons, fox, black bears, and more. We and our guests have been fortunate to capture some great wildlife photos this year.