Monthly Archives: October 2009
I-40 Detour in North Carolina for travel from Tennessee
A rock slide in late October on Interstate-40, three miles from the Tennessee border (and about an hour from the Inn on Mill Creek), will affect travel for our guests heading westward to us through Tennessee (or traveling eastbound home through Tennessee).
Week 6: North Carolina Mountains Fall Color Report
October Geocaching in Black Mountain
Biltmore Christmas Candelight Tickets (2009)
Week 5: North Carolina Mountains Fall Color Report
Blue Ridge Parkway Closed South of Asheville (updated 10/20/09)
Indoor Activities near Black Mountain and Asheville
Week 4: North Carolina Mountains Fall Color Report

This week, the colors have started becoming more pronounced, with a definite increase in scarlet, brick red, and orange, although there are still lots of green trees at our elevation (2,300 feet). The view from the Lake View room is quite colorful this time of year. Here’s a photo taken yesterday (note in the foreground across the water — our two curvy “Dr. Seuss” trees, as one of our guests calls them, are still green):